Thank you for your support and for your desire to help wildlife in Ireland - your donation, no matter how large or small, will make a huge difference.
PayPal/Credit Card
Wildlife Rehabilitation Ireland’s mission is to promote and advance wildlife rehabilitation, welfare and protection. Please Help us to maintain and expand our services
Cheque / Postal Order
You can donate via a euro or sterling cheque / postal order
payable to:
Wildlife Rehabilitation Ireland
posted to:
10 High Meadows, Duleek, Co Meath, Ireland
Standing Order
(All Irish Banks will accept this Standing Order Form)
Regular donations are really important to our charity as their reliability enables us to plan efficiently for the future. Your contribution will go towards funding vital food, veterinary attention, and equipment to care for our wildlife casualties.
- A standing order is an instruction from a customer/donor to their bank to make a regular payment of a fixed amount to a named beneficiary.
- Many banks offer standing orders set up, amendments, and cancellations via their online banking service.
WRI set up a Standing Order form for donors to complete.
- The form is pre-populated with WRI’s bank account details.
- The form needs to be downloaded, filled in and signed by yourself, the donor, and then returned directly to your own bank.
Bank Transfer
You can transfer your payment direct to our account, see details below:
Organisation Name: Wildlife Rehabilitation Ireland
IBAN: IE45AIBK932396337 89005
Account No: 33789005 for Euro only
Bank Name: Allied Irish Bank, Sort Code: (932 396)
Bank Address: Main Street, Ashbourne, County Meath, Ireland
Please note: you will not receive an automated receipt.
Should you require one, please email us at enquiries@wri.ie with payment and address details.
Where there’s a Will there’s a way
If you want to consider making a gift to an Irish animal charity, maybe consider helping Ireland’s wild animals.
Wildlife Rehabilitation Ireland’s most ambitious and exciting project to date is building a
Wildlife Rehabilitation & Teaching Hospital & Nature Education Centre
This facility will save the lives of thousands of injured wild animals, whilst promoting public respect and love for nature, & providing educational opportunities and therapeutic benefits to people who visit and work at the wildlife hospital. [Read more HERE]
At a projected build cost of 4-6 million Euro, we could certainly use your help!
This is a perfect opportunity to make a lasting difference.
This project, the first of its kind in the Republic of Ireland, will offer individuals the opportunity to care for injured wild animals in return for their own educational advancement and personal development. Help us bring this project to fruition.
Making a gift to charity is relatively simple. You need the name, address and the Registered Charity Number, and decide what gift(s) you wish to make.
You can make a gift of money, specific items, or include the charity as a residuary or alternative residuary beneficiary (a share in your assets)
Suggested wordings
for you to share with the solicitor who is preparing your Will:
A gift of a share of the estate (a residuary gift):
’I give to Wildlife Rehabilitation Ireland, 10 High Meadows, Duleek, Co Meath, Ireland, (Registered Charity Number 20142551, CHY No. 20991, Company Number 555237), the residue (or % share of the residue) of my estate absolutely and I direct that (i) the proceeds may be used for the general purposes of Wildlife Rehabilitation Ireland and (ii) a receipt signed by a person for the time being authorised by the Board of Wildlife Rehabilitation Ireland shall be a good and sufficient discharge to my executors.’
A fixed sum (a pecuniary gift):
‘I give to Wildlife Rehabilitation Ireland, 10 High Meadows, Duleek, Co Meath, Ireland, (Registered Charity Number 20142551, CHY No. 20991, Company Number 555237), the sum of €_______ and I direct that (i) the proceeds may be used for the general purposes of Wildlife Rehabilitation Ireland and (ii) a receipt signed by a person for the time being authorised by the Board of Wildlife Rehabilitation Ireland shall be a good and sufficient discharge to my executors.’
Tax excemption
A gift is exempt from Inheritance Tax once the Revenue Commissioners are satisfied that it has been or will be applied to purposes which, in accordance with Irish law, are public or charitable.
Further Information
Citizens Information document – Making a Will
Or contact us at office@wri.ie
Tax Efficient Giving
tax back
Did you know: You can increase the value of your donation at no extra cost to you
If you are a tax payer and donate €250 or more in 1 year to us, then we can claim tax back from the Revenue Commissioners. Your donation will be worth an additional 44.93%
This is a minimum of €112 EXTRA from you to us, for free!
All you need to do is:
Download a CHY3 tax-back form (or email us at office@wri.ie and we’ll send you one in the post)
Fill in your contact details, PPS number and sign the form
Post the form back to us at: 10 High Meadows, Duleek, Co Meath, Ireland
Further Information
You can obtain further information on the Donations Scheme from www.revenue.ie
Lo Call: 1890 666 333 Ext. 63308
Email: charityclaims@revenue.ie
Here is an brief explanatory document: Tax relief on your donations FAQs
Privacy Policy
Wildlife Rehabilitation Ireland values your privacy and is committed to protecting any information that you supply us. The personal information obtained will be used for Wildlife Rehabilitation Ireland purposes only and will be used to communicate with you about our work.
Information you supply us with may be used to:
- Contact you about our work
- Send you receipts for your donations
This website uses SSL, does not store credit card details, and all payments are handled by a secure, PCI DSS compliant, third party.
Your personal information will not be disclosed to any other third party without prior consent from you, unless we honestly believe disclosure is required by law. We meet high standards and use a range of methods to keep your information as safe as possible.
Wildlife Rehabilitation Ireland accept donations online through a facility that securely connects to Paypal for secure processing of transactions online. By using the Wildlife Hospital website, you are agreeing to comply with and be bound by the following terms and conditions of use, which must be taken in conjunction with our privacy policy.
If for any reason, you require a refund for your donation please send an email to office@wri.ie
We reserve the right to make changes to this site and our Terms and Conditions. Use of this site and donations will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Ireland, without giving effect to its conflict of law provisions.
If any provision of this agreement shall be unlawful, void, or for any reason unenforceable, then that provision shall be deemed severable from this agreement and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of any remaining provisions.