Wildlife Crime Conference 2024

Date: 17th October 2024

Wildlife Crime Conference: Strength in Unity

This Conference aims to enhance cross-sectoral collaboration for wildlife and environmental protection. It hopes to bridge the gaps between government bodies, conservation groups, legal experts, and community stakeholders. It focuses on unravelling the complexities of existing legislation protecting wildlife and the environment, and highlighting the necessity of cohesive efforts to tackle wildlife crimes and conserve biodiversity.

Through a series of engaging talks, interactive discussions, mock crime scenes, case studies, and networking sessions, participants will explore innovative strategies for policy integration, share best practices for enforcement and compliance, and foster partnerships that leverage the strengths of diverse sectors. This conference represents a unique opportunity to catalyse action, inspire change, and advance collective efforts towards sustainable environmental stewardship and wildlife conservation.


Jointly hosted by PAW Ireland and WRI

Conference Programme

Thursday 17th October

09.00 Registration & Coffee
09.30 Opening Remarks and Welcome Malcolm Noonan, Minister of State for Nature, Heritage and Electoral Reform (within the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage) and T.D. for Carlow-Kilkenny
09.50 Joint Efforts of NWCU, PAW UK, and Key Stakeholders in Combating Wildlife Crime Chief Inspector Kevin Kelly (Head of the National Wildlife Crime Unit – UK Policing)
10.10 Guardians of Nature – Strengthening Partnerships for Wildlife Protection (NPWS)
10.30 An Garda Síochána’s Role Relative to Wildlife Crime Superintendent Emma Doyle (AGS Crime Legal) & Detective Sergeant James King (Garda National Bureau of Criminal Investigation)
10.50 Interconnected Enforcement: Inland Fisheries Ireland’s Role in Wildlife and Environmental Protection Sean Long  (River Basin District Director, Inland Fisheries Ireland)
11.10 Navigating the Nexus: exploring the overlap of the Irish wildlife acts and environmental protection acts David Smith (Legal Department in the Office of Environmental Enforcement at the Irish Environmental Protection Agency)
11.30 Navigating Complexities in Animal Welfare and Wildlife Crime Cases Fiona Conlon & Alice Lacey (Irish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals – ISPCA Senior Inspectors)
11.50 An Overview of PAW Ireland and Deer Crime Prevention Damian Hannigan (PAW Ireland & Irish Deer Commission)
12.10 Unveiling the Underworld: intercepting wildlife trafficking to safeguard biodiversity Rónán O’Hanlon (Revenue Commissioners, Irish Tax and Customs, Customs Division, Prohibitions & Restrictions Unit)
12.30 Lunch
1.30 Overview of Afternoon Sessions and La Touche Training Initiatives Judy Peters (La Touche Training)
1.40 Best Practice for Crime Scene Preservation Mícheál Casey (Head of the Regional Veterinary Laboratory Division, Department of Agriculture Food & the Marine)
2.30 Prosecution Cases (1 & 2) Discussion & Q&A Panel – Previous Speakers
3.25 Coffee
3.45 Prosecution Cases (3 & 4) Discussion & Q&A Panel – Previous Speakers

– 5.30

Discussion: ‘Interagency Collaboration in Detecting and Prosecuting Wildlife Crimes’ Panel : All



We are delighted to welcome the following guest speakers:

Mícheál Casey
(Head of the Regional Veterinary Laboratory Division, Department of Agriculture Food & the Marine)

Fiona Conlon
(Irish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals – ISPCA Senior Inspector)

Emma Doyle
(Superintendent, Crime Legal, An Garda Síochána)

Damien Hannigan
(Press Public Relations Officer, Irish Deer Commission, & member of PAW Ireland)

Kevin Kelly
(Head of UK National Wildlife Crime Unit)

James King
(Detective Sergeant James King, National Bureau of Criminal Investigation, An Garda Síochána)

Alice Lacey
(Irish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals – ISPCA Senior Inspector)

Sean Long
(River Basin District Director, Inland Fisheries Ireland)

Rónán O’Hanlon
(Revenue Commissioners, Irish Tax and Customs, Customs Division, Prohibitions & Restrictions Unit)

Judy Peters
(La Touche Training)

David Smith
(Legal Department in the Office of Environmental Enforcement at the Irish Environmental Protection Agency)