In order to ensure WRI achieves its charitable objectives with integrity and is managed in an effective, efficient, accountable and transparent way, WRI has put in place the systems and processes below
Our Vision
Wildlife Rehabilitation Ireland envision a world where people recognise both the intrinsic value of wildlife and that protecting biodiversity is fundamental to life on earth
Our Mission
Wildlife Rehabilitation Ireland‘s Mission is to promote and advance wildlife rehabilitation, welfare and protection
Our Aims & Objectives
- Provide educational and training opportunities.
- Rehabilitate injured and orphaned wildlife.
- Establish a Wildlife Rehabilitation & Teaching Hospital.
- Facilitate wildlife monitoring and research.
- Offer assistance to wildlife rehabilitators.
- Identify and reduce threats to wildlife.
The work of the WRI will be underpinned by Excellence, Integrity and Caring in pursuing its vision and mission.
You can read Wildlife Rehabilitation Ireland‘s Constitution Here. Annual reports and accounts can be found Here.
Wildlife Rehabilitation Ireland is a registered charity. Our Registered Charity Number (RCN) is 20142551. You can read our profile on the Charities Regulator website.
Wildlife Rehabilitation Ireland is governed by a Board of Directors with experience in areas linked to our strategy including governance, finance, fundraising, and business management. We endevour to adhere to the highest standards of governance.
We confirm that our organisation strives to comply with The Charity Regulators Governance Code for the Charitable Sector in Ireland.
Our financial statements are prepared in accordance with the Charities Statement of Recommended Practice (SORP) in accordance with FRS 102 (effective January 2015) and the requirements of the Companies Act 2014.
Code of Governance
Wildlife Rehabilitation Ireland are committed to the Code of Good Governance through the following principles:
Principle 1. Leading our organisation. We do this by:
1.1 Agreeing our vision, purpose and values and making sure that they remain relevant;
1.2 Developing, resourcing, monitoring and evaluating a plan to make sure that our organisation achieves its stated purpose;
1.3 Managing, supporting and holding to account staff, volunteers and all who act on behalf of the organisation.
Principle 2. Exercising control over our organisation. We do this by:
2.1 Identifying and complying with all relevant legal and regulatory requirements;
2.2 Making sure there are appropriate internal financial and management controls;
2.3 Identifying major risks for our organisation and deciding ways of managing the risks.
Principle 3. Being transparent and accountable. We do this by:
3.1 Identifying those who have a legitimate interest in the work of our organisation (stakeholders) and making sure there is regular and effective communication with them about our organisation;
3.2 Responding to stakeholders,questions or views about the work of our organisation and how we run it;
3.3 Encouraging and enabling the engagement of those who benefit from our organisation in the planning and decision-making of the organisation.
Principle 4. Working effectively. We do this by:
4.1 Making sure that our governing body, individual board members, committees, staff and volunteers understand their:
legal duties, and
delegated responsibility for decision-making;
4.2 Making sure that as a board we exercise our collective responsibility through board meetings that are efficient and effective;
4.3 Making sure that there is suitable board recruitment, development and retirement processes in place.
Principle 5. Behaving with integrity. We do this by:
5.1 Being honest, fair and independent;
5.2 Understanding, declaring and managing conflicts of interest and conflicts of loyalties;
5.3 Protecting and promoting our organisation’s reputation.
We confirm that our organisation is committed to the standards outlined in these principles. We commit to reviewing our organisational practice against the recommended actions for each principle every year.
Collaboration, Partnerships and Memberships
Wildlife Rehabilitation Ireland (WRI) work closely with other environmental organisations around the country. We are part of the Irish Environmental Network and the Environmental Pillar.
WRI is a long-standing member of Meath Public Participation Network – the Meath Environment Network (MEN), and a member of The Wheel, Ireland’s national association of community and voluntary organisations, charities and social enterprises.
Internationally, WRI are a member of the International Wildlife Rehabilitation Council who provide education and resources for wildlife rehabilitation and conservation worldwide. WRI joined The Global Alliance for the Rights of Nature (GARN) in 2024 – a network of organizations and individuals committed to the universal adoption and implementation of legal systems that recognize, respect and enforce Rights of Nature.
WRI is a member of the Partnership for action against wildlife crime (PAW Ireland). PAW Ireland brings together statutory agencies, non-statutory agencies and interested parties with the common goal of combating wildlife crime through publicity, education and campaigning.
In Feb 2024 WRI launched ‘Wild Schools’ – this represents a culmination of months of development and collaboration among experts in education and design. With a diverse range of tips and activities Wild Schools is designed to educate students about various aspects of wildlife, including species information, habitats, human-wildlife conflict, quizzes, audio visuals and engaging projects. The Wild Schools booklet is now available to download on www.scoilnet.ie
WRI Strategic Plan 2024-2028_short
Strategy and Action Plan 2024–2028
WRI Strategy & Action Plan 2019-2023
Wildlife Rehabilitation Ireland’s governing guidelines
Donor Charter
Safeguarding Policy
Complaints Procedure
Gift Acceptance Policy
WRI Equal Opportunities Policy
Privacy Policy